Project Luminos

The video above is a play-through of “Luminos” a  3D environment created using the Unreal Development Kit. The project initially started as a two room sound demo but steadily grew into a larger narrative experience. Although the projects main focus is on sound, a large of amount of time was also spent on level design, user interface and modifying Unreal (UT) code in order to achieve the desired results.

Audio work flow involved initial sound effects and music creation in ProTools and Ableton Live, then importing into UDK for implementation. Vocals were also recorded and processed in the same manner.

Some of the key features of Luminos are:

Audio Implementation

  • No play-through is exactly the same: Audio cues created in UDK are designed such that sound nodes are fired randomly with slight variations in pitch. As a result ambiance remains cohesive and evolving
  • Custom player sounds (i.e. grunts, falls and footsteps)
  • Footsteps and landings change based on material properties
  • Adaptive Music: Change and variation in music based on player interaction and scripted events
  • Varying environmental reverb profiles
  • Triggered sound events via Kismet Scripting

Level Design
  • Lighting
  • Particle Effects
  • Custom FrontEnd UI:  Interactive starting screen with sound using Scaleform Gfx and Flash
  • Custom Loading Screen:  Straightforward loading graphic using Bink video(Rad Tools) and Flash